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When you kiss me they get really hard." Mmmm, they get even harder when I suck them," Laura kissed her ear. "Want me to do it?"Mavis's beautiful, exotic, mysteriously sexual eyes were swimming with lust. "Sure do."As usual, the contrast thrilled Laura. Not so much the contrast of their skins-Mavis was very dark, and her glossy skin against Laura's slender, pale fingers was thrilling in its own way-as the fact that Laura had been fucking heatedly with Brenda and Deshona before this, both of whom had large, round, very firm breasts. Laura loved them and had spent the weekend licking, sucking, nibbling, biting, and squeezing them rapturously.But Mavis's adolescent breasts were among the smallest she had ever had in her hands, or her mouth. Unlike Charise or Jane-both her age, both already sporting grown woman's breasts-Mavis had small beauties, and maybe, Laura thought, they would never grow any bigger than this. But there was quite enough to enthrall her.She could remember indelibly. ” I closed my eyes and allowed to touch me. His hands roamed down my thighs and up my skirt to touch my bare skin. “I hope I’m not keeping you?” “I…ummm…well, my cart is outside your door.” He walked to the door and pulled my cart in as if it weighed nothing. He hung the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the knob and closed the door. As he approached me again I noticed that his sweat pants were tented from his erection. I licked my lips again and he flashed me a devilish grin. “Ah, see something you like?” I nodded as he came closer. “So do I!” He walked up and slipped his arms around me. He pressed his lips to my ear and whispered. “I’ve been thinking about you since you caught me with my friend the other night.” “Oh?” “Yes, I saw the look in your eye and the smile on your face. You wanted me didn’t you?” “Yes!” I whispered in a voice hoarse with lust. “Good! May I?” He asked as he began to unbutton my uniform. “Yes!” He unbuttoned my uniform swiftly and had it slid down to my ankles before.
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